Last week was the best week I’ve had since working with Roca. Both of my classes went extremely well. It has taken a while to create a structure for them, but I have finally come up with a structure that will work, and I feel that I have become close enough to the participants that I can joke around with them and have them speak more honestly about their life. The Project Sol students react well to the PowerPoints of their work that start every class discussion. They are very impressed to see their work displayed that way. I am hoping to frame a bunch of their photos in the next week or two and put them on display in the art room.
One of the young women I am working with in my Healthy Families group has asked me to work with her to make a video about her life, pregnancy, and child to be. She is currently 7 months pregnant. From now on, I will be going to her doctors appointments to take photos. She even wants me to film the birth.
I am talking to Anisha on Wednesday and I hope that soon I will be able to start a class with the younger (high-school and middle-school) Healthy Families participants. Roca has been trying to figure out a way to get them more involved in Roca activities, when I met with them last week they seemed very interested. The cameras that project snap sent me have been an extremely good catalyst for getting young people involved and for starting conversations.
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