One of my favorite photographs of Annabel.

Annabel pretty much took over the show with the women. I think Eli got a little bit bored.

I sewed this dress for Annabel with Eli's mom the day after we got engaged. It's the same sewing pattern that Eli's mom used to sew the outfit Eli came home in. I didn't expect it to look quite this Amish.

Right after Rusty saw Annabel after a week away.

Greg and Shawna and Annabel.

Annabel's first taste of a delicious mixture of rice cereal and milk.

Watching Annabel's first taste of slightly more real food.
Hanna said on February 5th, 2010 at 12:17 am:
I love the amish dress picture…makes Annabel look like she’s planning something diabolical! muhahahaha