A few remembered moments from a week in Miami and Key West. We celebrated my sister’s pregnancy and spent one last vacation together without the impending baby.

My mom in Key West.

Erin in Key West.

I went to Miami beach and ended up with pictures of birds.

Sunset celebrations in Key West.

There was no amazing sunset that day in Key West. We watched anyway.

There are ferrell roosters and hens all over Key West.

One day, after the marriage, PhD, dog, kid, I want this treehouse. Eli says trees this cool don't grow in Durham.

We kayaked to a deserted island in the mangroves.

I made some Andy Goldsworthyesque creations.

Erin found a swing in the middle of the island in the middle of the mangroves. It was very uncomfortable.

The only photo of us all.

On the flight home. I was not very happy with the turbulence.

I came home to Eli and morning doves nesting on our deck. Both of these things made me incredibly happy.