It has been a crazy couple of months since I last blogged. The big news is that I am putting up another “Raising them Right” show in February. It is going to be at Duke’s Sanford Institute of Public Policy and I am going to work with Duke to put together a few talks on the topic. I’m very excited to be able to look at my work from a completely academic standpoint.
I have been reading everything that I can find on the topic and have finally found some academic literature that reflects all that I experienced in Chelsea. Almost all writing I have encountered about teen pregnancy is misguided. It is such a hot topic that the information readily available rarely is well researched. I become very frustrated when I read articles that place blame on teens and that state that teen pregnancy is a cause of poverty. I feel that anyone who works within such a community understands that poverty and teen pregnancy have a more confounded relationship and if anything it is the poverty and lack of meaningful opportunities that causes young people to want a baby to bring meaning to their lives.
Anyhow, I just finished a wonderful book on these topics and will write more once I have time to digest.
In other news, here are some photographs that I have been meaning to post from the past month or two. After returning my Duke camera, Mac, and copy of Photoshop, I finally bought a new camera and have been learning how to use it, my new Mac, and lightroom.
Here are some photographs from a lovely family walk (minus Greg) over Thanksgiving. The light was incredibly beautiful.
My favorite photos from Thanksgiving Dinner.
Some presents silk screened by me! This is the season of robots and owls. If you received a Christmas present from me, chances are it had an owl or a robot on it.
On December 4th we celebrated Eli’s birthday.
Eli and my house is way too small for a tree so we helped Rusty and Erin set up their tree.
We hosted a dinner party and had another birthday pie for our friend John.
And we became God parents (or God-less parents) to baby Isaac. I am so incredibly excited to watch Andrea and Isaac grow up. From what I know of these little people, there are no better little people this world has to offer.
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