I spent this weekend working as a volunteer photographer for Full Frame Documentary film festival. It was a pretty intense experience with a steep learning curve. I’ve never before done event photography, and it was wonderful to have a chance to dive right in for a few days. I always love the opportunity to learn by intense experience and it certainly was one of those times. I’ve realized that I enjoy documentary projects a lot more then event photography, but I already knew that anyway.
Today I’m working on a short speech to give during the Raising them Right Reception and figuring out what questions to ask of the panel. I’m going to be moderating, so I guess I should figure out what that means as well. I’m also doing a pre-interview interview for the State of Things. I’ll be on with Sarah Brown on Wednesday afternoon. Being on NPR allows me to check off another lifetime goal of mine. Exhibit, NPR interview, parents in town, Easter, finally finding out whether I’m going to graduate school or working at UNC next year… what a crazy week I have ahead of me.

Yes, I take photographs.

Carolina Theater

Wavy Gravy

He's a photographer too.

Erin and Rusty

Eli Van Zoeren

Grace Coddington- Vogue Creative Director

Photographer Michael Oniffrey and Vogue's Andre Leon Tally
Mark said on April 8th, 2009 at 12:16 am:
Ugh, I’m so jealous. I would totally love to do some photography like that… too bad I work weekends.