This morning I prepared early for a relaxing day. I made a cup of tea, found a This American Life episode I hadn’t heard, chose a clean page in my journal, and just as I was ready to start drawing, my overhead lamp fell directly into my tea splashing milky tea all over my journal, desk, and even into the drawers. It took me a while to make a new cup of tea, clean up the floor and find my relaxation. But now, Eli’s in the other room working diligently, Matt is playing guitar on the porch, our doves are debating which nest to keep, and I’m drawing. All is finally right in the world.

A drawing from today.

Announcing the beginning of Isaac in my journal.

A mouse. A lemur. An infant.

Sometimes we roar. Sometimes we hide.

Eli diligently programming away.

Matt playing the guitar angrily.
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